UMH organizes the IV Conference of development cooperation in health in the Campus of Sant Joan d’Alacant

Both the University Master Degree in Infectious Diseases and International Health, taught by the Department of Clinical Medicine UMH, together with the Centre of Cooperation Development and Volunteering organize for the next 26 and 27 of March the IV Conference of development cooperation in health.

The sessions will take place from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Sala de Grados of the building Francisco Javier Balmis from the campus of Sant Joan d’Alacant (Spain). These activities are mainly focused on students and teachers who have interest in all that is done in cooperation and development in the field of health.
The main purpose of the celebration of these days of cooperation to development in health is none other than the of providing knowledge and skills in global health. Always using development cooperation projects and, above all, in order to show forms of assistance and cooperation with organizations and institutions working in Africa or South America.
In addition, during these Conferences will try to analyze the forms of collaboration, support and development cooperation in the field of global health, to publicize various related projects that are carried out in developing countries and determine the degree of importance between the actors and the development cooperation.
During this call entities and organizations such as:
· Doctors without Borders
· Anawin
· Diagrama Foundation
· Sanatorio Fontilles
· Medicus Mundi
· Chambbàa International Cooperation
will go from the start.
If you need more information you can ask or download the program here
For pre-registration you can use the form ‘Pre-registration Training Postgraduate Courses and Continuing Education’ that is here.
Visit the web of Center for Cooperation to Development and Volunteering of University Miguel Hernández to see other projects.