500 students attended the XXXIV National Congress of Medicine Students of the UMH

On October 19 took place the XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students(CNEM) of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH). About 500 students from different universities in the country, as well as European and South American are gave in the facilities of the Official Illustrious College of Doctors of Alicante (Spain).

National Congress of Medicine students of Alicante

Who was the organizer of the XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students of the UMH?

The event was organized by students from 5th and 6th course of the Degree in Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández. During 3 days, it has developed activities, a round table discussion on current issues like transsexuality and other developed on the cocaine dependence.
XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students of Alicante

Who spoke in the 34th National Congress of Medicine students of the UMH?

  • José Miguel Segura, associate professor of the Area of Surgery of the UMH and President of the XXXIV QSTM. He was commissioned to provide Thursday, October 19 at 9:00 am. inaugural conference

“The medicine of the 21st century. “From the clinical history to the high technology without undermining the relationship medical sick”.
Poster XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students
The organizer committee has scheduled for the 19th to the 21st of October a series of tables round where experts of Health Sciences will try different topics as:

  •  “Bebés a la carta”, “Vacunación: repasando la evidencia y conflicto ético”, por el Dr. Francisco Salmerón García, el Dr. José Vicente Tuells Hernández y el Dr. Abel Jaime Novoa Jurado.
  • “Transsexuality, an approach between the science and consciousness”, by Mrs. Carla Antonelli, Mrs. África Pastor Espuch and Dr. José Luis Pedreira.
  • “Country doctor, by Dr. María Concepción Fernández Planelles, Dr. Andrés Vicente Genovés Esplugues and Dr. Antonio Torrente Blasco.

Which other activities will take place at the XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students of UMH?

The National Congress of Medicine students will be also composed of different workshops as:

  • emergency childbirth,
  • skills surgical
  • laparoscopy

Workshop of Psychiatry at the XXXIV CNEM of the UMH
Dr Sánchez Locomotor exploration workshop

What relevance has acquired the QSTM, XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students of UMH?

Currently, the CNEM has been declared of health interest by the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, as well as Scientific-health interest by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana.
Más información en cnem.umh.es
Download the programme of the National Congress of Medicine students in PDF
Banner National Congress of Medicine