5 UMH medicine students receive scholarship by Foundation Rafael Bernabeu from Alicante

Five have been students of Medicine UMH the beneficiaries of a grant from the Foundation Rafael Bernabeu during this year.

Who have been students of Medicine UMH the winners receive scholarship this year?

Mainly, the university winners of the Degree in Medicine from the UMH that have retrieved these scholarships are:

  • Carmen Soriano López
  • Jesús Soriano López
  • Juan Manuel Molina López
  • Regina Penalva Pérez
  • Natalia Gisbert Abad

What are the Medicine grants provided by the Foundation Rafael Bernabeu?

These grants amounted to a total of 2.500 euro each one. Its main objective is to give support to students in the payment of the fees and the purchase of materials and support teaching.
María del Carmen Acosta, Vice-Rector for UMH studies, attended the ceremony that took place in the Auditorium of Bernabeu Institute in Alicante (Spain).

Why do UMH Medicine students receive scholarship this academic year?

This process is basically due to the actions of the Foundation Rafael Bernabeu. This agency has been responsible for providing about 9 college scholarships for its realization in disciplines such as:

  • Medicine,
  • Nursing
  • Biology

UMH Medicine students receive scholarship
Along with the students of the Miguel Hernández University, this Foundation has awarded scholarships to students:

  • Alicante University
  • Castilla La Mancha University
  • the Sacred Heart Nursing School of Castellón

One of the challenges of the next editions is the achieved increase the number of scholarships awarded, not just from private entities, but also for the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport. The enrollments of students from degrees of Health Sciences is significant. Each year, different students from the campus of San Juan (Spain) are looking for economic initiatives that enable them to cope with major outlays. These initiatives can improve the performance, competitiveness and equality of opportunities among the university community.
Ministry of Education Culture and Sport Foundation Rafael Bernabeu

More information about the Bernabeu Foundation in:

See data sheet request “Scholarship Foundation Rafael Bernabeu
Ver application questionnaire