Alberto Sols award to Rubén Francés for best scientific work

On April 29 took place at Cervantes Theatre in Sax (Alicante) the delivery of the Alberto Sols Award to scientific research. This time fell in Rubén Francés Guarinós, professor of Medicine of the UMH.

Alberto Sols award Medical Sciences Sax

What is the Alberto Sols Award for scientific research about?

The scientific from Sax (Spain) Alberto Sols put his name to these awards that are given by these dates to various relevant personalities from the research world. The winners are recognized by their background and scientific work developed. At the same time, this edition coincides with the Centenary of his birth and makes more remarkable and moving the gala in the little city.
The laureates to the best research background and the best scientific work receive recognition.
On this occasion the XVI Call recognized:
Alberto Sols award Health Sciences poster

  • Award toBest research work, which on this occasion was for Juan Francisco Martínez Mujica for his extensive professional experience.
  • Award to Best scientific work for Ruben French Guarinos.

How do we recognize as Alberto Sols award Rubén Francés, professor at UMH?

The professor of the department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, Rubén Francés Guarinós, was recognized by the scientific work entitled:
“Genetic susceptibility to increased bacterial translocation influences the response to biological therapy in patients with Crohn’s disease”
The professor and research of the University Miguel Hernández has published a wide variety of scientific articles as well as international reviews.

What personalities participated in the delivery of the Alberto Sols award?

The ceremony was presided over by:

  • representatives of the University of Alicante and Miguel Hernández,
  • Political representatives of the Valencia Community and the Diputación of Alicante.
  • The Mayor of Sax, José María Espí,
  • Jaime Sols (son) as guest of honour.

What is the objective of the award-winner scientific Rubén Francés, professor and researcher at the UMH?

The Alberto Sols from Sax (Alicante) award in the category of best scientific work fell in Rubén Francés Guarinós, head of group of the CIBEREHD at the Foundation for health research and biomedical of the Valencian Community (FISABIO).
Rubén Francés Guarinós Alberto Sols award best research work
In addition, Dr. Francés is associate professor of Immunology in the Dpt. of Clinical Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH).
His main research line is based on the Immunobiology of bacterial translocation and inflammation in liver diseases. All of this under a multidisciplinary approach to understand the interaction between the intestinal microbiota and the immune system. The researcher aims to identify new potentially useful targets in the recovery of intestinal homeostasis.
It should be noted that the Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract. The results of the study, 179 patients of the General University Hospital of Alicante (Spain), identified variations in the NOD2 and ATG16L1 gene. They correspond to factors of risk in these patients that favor bacterial translocation. Resulting in the passage of bacteria or their products from the gastrointestinal mucosa into the blood.
According to own words of Rubén Francés:
“With this study we have identified patients with Crohn’s disease more susceptible of suffering episodes of bacterial translocation. All of this has therapeutic implications, because patients consume accelerated its biological treatment and could evolve worse”.
Reverse book mark award Alberto Sols
Book mark award Alberto Sols Sax