The UMH Chair on COPD has professor Domingo Orozco Beltrán as secretary

The UMH Chair on COPD has started its journey with the signing of leaders of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH). Between the members that signed the agreement were:

It is a formative and research chair joint of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). On national and regional level.
The UMH Chair on COPD lungs hurts

¿What is the UMH Chair on COPD about?

The UMH Chair on COPD is led by Juan Manuel Arriero Marín, professor of Department of Clinical Medicinea of the UMH. The purpose of the studies is to focus on:

  • to promote disease awareness,
  • to face solidly the underdiagnosis between Primary Care doctors and specialists.

The collaboration agreement between the two entities, UMH and Boehringer Ingelheim, will be 3 years and the annual contribution amounts to 10,000 euros.
Juan Manuel Arriero Marín doctor UMH Chair UMH on COPD
The chair of sponsorship will allow to know chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) through the organization of:

  • training activities, research, development, conferences, etc.

According to Arriero Martin, director of the Chair and Professor of Clinical Medicine of the UMH: “we are planning to design a research work related to the quality of life of patients with COPD and morbidity and mortality. This study will take place through national statistical records, as well as actions aimed both at the field of Primary Health Care as a specialty, where all patients who are underdiagnosed be detected better”.
In the words of professor Arriero, “there is underdiagnosis in COPD around the 50, 60, or 70%, which is a very high score. However, it is very easy to diagnose with a spirometry disease. This important test to detect it is possible at all levels of health care. Both Primary Care (AP) in specialized medicine”.
Furthermore, Arriero explained about COPD: “it is very common disease with high prevalence and significant morbidity and mortality. An increase is expected in the coming years for several reasons. On the one hand, in developed countries because life expectancy will be high. There will be more patients with COPD, that mortality due to disease. “And on the other hand, in developing countries because smoking is increasing significantly”.

Who integrates the UMH chair about COPD?

Domingo Orozco accésit Family Medicine
The Advisory Council of the UMH Chair on COPD is composed by:

  • Manuel Jordán Vidal, Vice-Rector for research and innovation,
  • Domingo Orozco Beltrán, professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine, as Secretary of the Department
  • Silvia Armengol Bertolín, from the company Boehringer Ingelheim Spain
  • Juan J. Soler Cataluña, responsible for the Plan of COPD in the Valencian Community. Head of Section of Pneumology of the University Hospital of Sant Joan d’Alacant, and
  • Eusebi Chiner Vives, coordinator of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Pathology SEPAR_PACIENTES (SEPAR)

At the signing ceremony of the agreement also was attended by José Javier algae Martínez, responsible for Institutional Relations at Boehringer Ingelheim,

What do we know today about COPD?

Currently, reserch in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is on the rise. “While it has been a disease that, in other times, and probably by the character of irreversibility associated, has perhaps not had investigated enough”, states Arriero. He also adds, that recent work on COPD “go towards a change in the management of the disease. There are some patients in which not only disease does not progress, but, that can be reached to stop and stabilize. “There is even hope that, in some cases, using certain drugs, impaired lung function can recover and even improve”.
Cigarette smoking COPD disease
Boehringer Ingelheim is one of the leaders in the research of COPD. Among its main research interests focus on the anticholinergic bronchodilators. It is really positive to support this kind of collaborative initiatives.
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