Opened Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH

From today has opened the call for the design Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH. The initiative is available to the community (students, RP, PAS, etc.) and it has a money award to the winning proposal. The logo of the masters degree MUE will be official at the end of September 2016.

Emergency response accident

What is the objective of the Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH?

Logo Contest of the logo design of the Master's degree in Emergency Medicine UMH
The purpose of the creation of a visual identity for the Master’s degree of Emergency Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández comes to meet the need of an element visible and distinctive to one of the most popular postgraduate studies at present. The existence of content and faculty recognized by ANECA make that the existence of a coherent, practical, synthetic and professional logo with respect to these studies is a necessity.

What is the Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH about?

Mainly, what the responsibles of the masters degree MUE demand with the design of the new logo is:

  • A design of free creation of a logo for the concept:
  • Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine (This text must appear mandatory in the proposal), with several versions:
  • Version in Spanish and Valencian


What is the award in the Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH?

Once known the candidate designs, the winning proposal will get a €100 Prize and will be posted in different channels online of the UMH. The decision of the Selection Committee will be public on the web pages of the:

Logo Contest of the logo design SAMU Valencian Community

Who can participate in the Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH?

As already is described in the Bases of the call, it may apply any member of the UMH (PDI, PAS o students). For that reason, the candidates must prove its membership to the University Miguel Hernández once known the resolution of the competition.

How should proposals for Master MUE logos be presented?

To the above, you must send documentation via email and include:

  • The graphical proposal (logo). The document to deliver must be sent in digital format as an attachment file email clearly identify its author.Maximum 2 logo proposals by author.
  • The formats accepted are:
    JPEG, PNG, TIFF, Illustrator, vectorial o PDF a una resolución de 150 ppp


What are the criteria for the contest design of the logo of the Masters degree in Emergency Medicine UMH?

The proposal of the Masters MUE logo must:

  1. No more than 2 fonts
  2. Be recognizable and identifiable with the Masters degree in Emergency Medicine UMH and its objectives
  3. No effects, shadows and touch-ups
  4. No more than 3 colors
  5. Must operate in negative (white and black)


Where should the proposal of design of the logo of the Masters degree in Emergency Medicine UMH will be presented?

In order for the proposals to enter the contest, the designs must be submitted in digital format and will be sent to the electronic address indicating in the subject of the message “Master’s Degree in Emergency and Emergency Medicine Contest UMH”

Who chooses of proposals in the Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH?

A court of professionals directly related to masters degree will be set for the final achievement of the resolution which opt to award. The Committee of Selection will be composed of the following members of the MUE masters degree:

  • President.
    Director of the Master’s degree MUE.
  • Vocals
    Deputy Director of the Masters degree in Emergency Medicine and and two professors or, appropriate, the person delegated.
  • Secretary
    He will act, with voice but without vote, Juan José Torres González, Methodological Consultancy and New Technologies.

Among all the proposals, the Committee will select which deems suitable and meet the best conditions for the purpose, according to the following criteria:

  • Quality in the design.
  • Originality and creativity.
  • Adaptation to the objectives and purposes of the Master’s degree in Mmergency medicine and of the UMH.

Once known the resolution of the call, the Selection Committee will detail the author selected on the website of the Master’s degree of Medicine in Urgencies and Emergencies. In addition to publishing it in the the website of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH. After that, it will be determined the date and place of delivery of the award to the winner. Finally, the selected logo will be used in all and each online and offline communication of the master’s degree MUE.

What are the deadlines for the call of the Contest of the logo design of the Master’s degree in Emergency Medicine UMH?

  • Deadline for receiving logo proposals:
    from July 20, 2016 to 23 September (included).

  • Constitution and confirmation of the selection Committee:
    19 September of 2016

  • Meeting with the winner to establish the general conditions:
    September 20, 2016

  • Presentation of the winner:
    September 28, 2016

More information on the University Master’s Degree in Urgencies and Emergencies UMH