Jose Manuel Ramos leads the organizing committee of the 9th SEMTSI 2015 Congress in Calpe

Next Thursday October 22 it will take place in the city of Calpe, Alicante (Spain) the 9th SEMTSI 2015 Congress of the Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health. In the Organizing Committee will be one of the professionals of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón.

Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón professor of the Depatment of Clinical Medicine of the UMH

>> Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH

Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón organizing committee of the 9th SEMTSI 2015 Congress

The current professor in the Area of Clinical Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (Spain), with more than 25 years of research and teaching experience, will be one of the members of the Committee, responsible for organizing the event. With the professor Ramos Rincón, other professionals of Tropical Medicine and International Health will complete the Committee:
Organizing Committee

  • Fernando J. Bornay. University Miguel Hernández. Elche (Alicante)
  • Magdalena García. Consortium University General Hospital. Valencia
  • Francisco Giménez. Hospital Torrecárdenas. Almería
  • Miriam Navarro. “Mundo Sano” Foundation. Spain
  • M. Cristina Parada. General University Hospital Foundation. Valencia
  • José M. Ramos. General University Hospital. Alicante
  • Vicente Sanz. Health Centre of Burjassot. Valencia
  • Diego Torrús. General University Hospital. Alicante
Scientific Committee
  • President: Jose M. Ramos
  • Secretary: Fernando J. Bornay
  • Arantxa Amor
  • Iñaki Alegría
  • Fernando Bornay
  • Bartolomé Carrilero
  • Juan Cuadros
  • Mar Faraco
  • Pedro Fernández Soto
  • Jordi Gómez-Prat
  • Miguel Górgolas
  • José Llovo
  • Rogelio López Vélez
  • Israel Molina
  • Begoña Monge
  • José Muñoz
  • Miriam Navarro
  • Francesca Norman
  • Ana Pérez de Ayala
  • José A. Pérez-Molina
  • Sabino Puente
  • Antonio Osuna
  • José M. Ramos
  • Esperanza Rodríguez
  • Magdalena García
  • Joaquín Salas
  • Vicente Sanz
  • Rafael Toledo
  • Diego Torrús
  • Basilio Valladares
  • José Vázquez

Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón, as responsible for the service of Internal Medicine of the General University Hospital of Alicante (Spain), will moderate on Thursday, October 22 at 11:30 am. the Round Table: Experiences Scholarships SEMTSI.After all, the last day October 24, will share experiences as an expert under the title How to form byself and publish in Tropical Medicine and International Health with other professionals from 9:30 am..
To learn more about the history and background of the professor Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón you can visit his professional profile in the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH here.
For further information about the Congress you can visit the website at the following link:
In addition, the 9th SEMTSI 2015 Congress of the Spanish society of Tropical Medicine and International Health is recognized of Health Interest by the Subsecretaría dof Health Ministry, Social Services and Equality.
The inscriptions can already be made in the following link.
You can download the program of the 9th SEMTSI 2015 Congress of the Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health here.
Download the book HERE
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