RSS de Congresos 

Advances in infectious diseases UMH was the title of the XII meeting of the Society of Infectious Diseases of the Valencian Community (SEICV). Last February 10 the meeting took place in the Mail Hall of the building Severo Ochoa of the Campus of San Juan de Alicante (Spain).

23 February 2024


Opening of new Medicine faculties, solution or problem? was the main topic of the conference last March 2 at University Miguel Hernández (UMH). Deans of Medicine of Valencian Community discussed in the Faculty of Medicine of the UMH about the creation of new faculties and studies of this discipline.

23 February 2024


The Course UMH Clinical Simulation as a tool in medical education was taught by the professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón. The event also co-directed by Ricardo Serrano García, professor of the department. The workshop began the past February 12 

23 February 2024


On October 19 took place the XXXIV National Congress of Medicine students(CNEM) of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH)

23 February 2024


The next Tuesday, may 3 it will take place in the Salón de Actos of the  Institute of Neurosciences, the “Workshop update in Emergency Medicine at UMH” directed by the professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández, Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón.

23 February 2024


Francisco Javier Nieto, director of the Department of Population Health Sciences of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), did last Thursday, February 25 a seminar entitled: “From the research into clinical practice and prevention: the long and winding road of translation”. The event took place in the Salón de Actos of Severo Ochoa building at 5:00 pm. […]

23 February 2024


The next February 11 has been called the meeting Final Master’s Degree in Accident Emergency Medicine UMH at 4:00 pm. The event will be held in the Sala de Juntas of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH. The event has been called the students enrolled in the course of Final Master’s Degree (3666) […]

23 February 2024


Next Thursday 26 November the professor of the Area of Immunology of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (UMH) and the Department of Clinical Medicine, Rubén Francés, taught the seminar under the title: Recovery

23 February 2024


Were about 400 students who gathered in the XXXIII National Congress of Medicine Students UMH of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche, in it already this XI International Edition. Attendees from different universities of Spain, Europe and South America came together in the Illustrious Official College of Doctors of Alicante 

23 February 2024


Next Thursday October 22 it will take place in the city of Calpe, Alicante (Spain) the 9th SEMTSI 2015 Congress of the Spanish Society of Tropical Medicine and International Health. In the Organizing Committee will be one of the professionals of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón.

23 February 2024