Opening of new Medicine faculties UMH debate forum among several deans

Opening of new Medicine faculties, solution or problem? was the main topic of the conference last March 2 at University Miguel Hernández (UMH). Deans of Medicine of Valencian Community discussed in the Faculty of Medicine of the UMH about the creation of new faculties and studies of this discipline. The round table was held on Friday, 2 of March, starting at 5:00 pm. in the Main Hall of the Severo Ochoa building of the Campus of Sant Joan d’Alacant (Spain).

Seminar UMH about the Opening of new Medicine faculties University Miguel Hernández

Who participates in the conference at UMH about the Opening of new Medicine faculties?

Basically, this day will involve medical and educational professionals related to Medicine and Clinical Practice. As well as representatives of regional and national institutions of the different faculties of Medicine of the Valencian universities. Between the attendees we can include:

What were the conclusions of the conference at UMH about Opening of new Medicine faculties?

In words to the diario información, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the UMH, Antonio Compañ, pointed out that: “the opening of new medical faculties is not a local problem, it’s state problem”.

The existence of new faculties that offer degrees in Medicine in our country would be at the expense of the number of MIR vacancies.

  • The reduced number of specialized vacancies
  • excess demand for students for the number of MIR vacances announced,
  • difficult doctors coverage in rural areas,
  • lack of knowledge of the number of doctors in active,
  • the lack of information on the number of retirements,
  • reduction of quality of hospital practices

These are some of the claims on the part of the  Conference of Deans of Spanish Faculties of Medicine. In 2017, 14.450 candidates for 6,500 MIR vacancies were called. It is close to 8,000 people who are in active search of employment.

Poster Opening of new Medicine faculties University Miguel Hernandez