Development cooperation in Rwanda meets students from the UMH in a collaborative program

Development Cooperation in Rwanda has met this year with 24 members of the UMH University community. During the summer, students of the University Miguel Hernández of different specialties have participated in the cooperation program.

What is the UMH program of development cooperation in Rwanda about?

UMH student class blackboard school development cooperation in Rwanda

UMH students have been able to participate in the 8th Edition of the program of development of volunteering.This is the Development and Volunteer of the Vice-Rectorate of international Relations UMH Cooperation Service who organizes the project in the African country.

In July, students of the UMH do different cooperation activities. Mainly, we can talk about:

  • development of actions and training of Computer Science and Mathematics activities with teachers and students of schools of Nemba in Ruhengeri.
  • support in Maternity, Paediatrics and Psychiatry at Nemba hospital e
  • workshops on hygiene for health professionals in the Hospital of the city centre

What other activities are performed in the UMH program of development cooperation in Rwanda?

Classes martial arts courtyard development cooperation in Rwanda UMH

Meanwhile, volunteers teach martial arts to the students in the school. The main objective lies in taking control and awareness of their own body. In addition to determining the emotional regulation throught by physical exercise.

What is the origin of the UMH program of development cooperation in Rwanda?

Rwanda development cooperation classes UMH secondary education

The agreement of cooperation between volunteers from the UMH and Rwanda began in 2002. It started with a project in an area of Maternity in the neighborhood of Katindo. Later, it continued with the construction of a nursing school in Ruhengeri. Each year more than 50 professionals in Health Sciences are formed in their facilities. All the efforts of the institutions of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (Spain) has resulted in the creation of the Chair UMH in Rwanda. This is basically focused on an institutional element of link, study, promotion and training projects. In addition to functions of research and development of infrastructures by the UMH in Africa.


Poster Rwanda volunteering UMH brief meeting