Health professionals from Peru successfully formed by professors of Medicine at UMH

Some health professionals from Peru were trained for 3 months at the General University Hospital of Alicante (HGUA). Medical professionals and professors from the Department of Clinical Medicine at UMH were responsible during that time of the training of these doctors.

What health professionals from Peru formed with professors of Medicine of the University Miguel Hernandez?

Between them, Alejandro Quiroz Morey, resident doctor of the Regional Hospital from Loreto in Iquitos (Peru). The initiative is included in the project of cooperation to the development of the international relations service and cooperation development and volunteering of UMH. Its purpose is the improvement of care and prevention of infectious diseases.

Today, Alejandro Quiroz works in Infectious Diseases Unit of the Alicante Hospital. He collaborates in the care of patients in the unit of the hospital. Through comprehensive experience, provides medical professionals mainly from:

  • competences,
  • tools,
  • essential knowledge

in the diagnosis of infectious diseases. All through procedures and methodology not employed in hospital complexes in Loreto region (Peru).

Facade Hospital Regional Loreto Perú health professionals from Peru


Which entities collaborate in the training project of health professionals from Peru in Spanish universities?

Essentially the UMH and the Generalitat Valenciana. The latter has been responsible for part-finance initiative, as part of the 2017 Convention signed by:

What Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine at UMH collaborates in the training project of health professionals from Peru in Spanish universities?


Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón Clinical Medicine UMH

José Manuel Ramos Ricón, Professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández is responsible for their training. In the words of professor Ramos, “this region is one of the most disadvantaged of Peru and, therefore, it is important that that medical personnel learn how to use new tools for diagnosis and medical care”.

The project of cooperation, development and training of Peruvian doctors began with José Manuel Ramos trip to the town of Iquitos (Peru). In the Andean region, the professor at UMH coordinated 2 training courses on the HIV/AIDS at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon. Approximately 70 Medicine professionals from different locations in the region of Loreto met innovative procedures and diagnostic care patients with HIV/AIDS.

University National Peruvian Amazon project UMH training of health professionals from Peru

During 3 months the optional assumes knowledge of the realization of:

  • treatments to transplant patients,
  • implementation of control programmes
  • use of antibiotics or treatment that should receive patients with cardiopulmonary disease.

Development cooperation projects carried out by UMH improve the living conditions of disadvantaged populations. In addition, they contribute to the achievement of the objectives of sustainable development. Some of the key lines to achieve this objective are:

  • education, training and research

Cooperation UMH Alicante University Hospital health professionals from Peru

The next calls of development cooperation by the UMH will be published on the website in a few months.