Prevalence of allergic diseases in Relleu a pioneer studio of the UMH University in Spain

Prevalence of allergic diseases in Relleu and its districts is the title of a recent study where the UMH participates.

Study prevalence of allergic diseases Relleu panoramic view

Who participates in the study on the prevalence of allergic diseases in Relleu and its districts?

Mainly, several researchers and professors of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández. Among them, the director, Francisco Javier Fernández Sánchez, leads the study on allergic diseases in the region of Relleu and its surroundings.

Also included in the study are national health institutions such as:

Also, in the study of the prevalence of allergic diseases, participate:

    • Scientists of the National Network for the Study of Allergic Diseases, ARADyAL, financed by the Carlos III Health Institute (Madrid), dependent on the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
    • The Institute of Sanitary and Biomedical Research of Alicante (ISABIAL)

Basically, the ISABIAL Institute is the result of the joint work of the UMH University and the UA University; As well as the Department of Health Alicante-General Hospital. Mainly through the participation of the Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública and the Foundation for the Promotion of the Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (FISABIO), in charge of its management.

Finally, they collaborate extensively in the study of the prevalence of allergic diseases other institutions:

  • Spanish Society of Allergology and clinical Immunology (SEAIC),
  • Valencian Association of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (AVAIC),
  • The Hospital of the Marina Baixa (Villajoyosa),
  • Hospital Infanta Leonor (Madrid),
  • National Centre for Biological Research (Madrid),
  • Upper School of Agronomists (Madrid),
  • Department of Biochemistry of the University Complutense of Madrid and
  • Department of Engineering of Computing of the Faculty of Telecommunications of Malaga

What is the study on prevalence of disease allergic in Relleu and its districts about?

In this study, the main objective focuses on studying the prevalence of allergic diseases and environmental agents that produce them. The Group of researchers was able to identify that certain allergenic proteins (inside pollen), for example the profilines, are present in different pollens (are panalergenicas). Others, meanwhile, are specific to the own pollen. The study has allowed to recognize the allergenic proteins.

Javier Fernández Sánchez Allergy UMH study prevalence of allergic diseases in Relleu

According to Javier Fernandez Sánchez, director of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, researcher and director of the Chair of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of the UMH: “This study has a very practical and important application, as it will allow to look for new allergens of pollens that has always been thought that are not allergens and, consequently, to find out a common solution for what was thought to be many allergies, but that happen to be produced by a single type of protein” .

What was the study population on the prevalence of allergic diseases in Relleu and its districts?

The group of researchers has focused on different populations with very similar aspects and environmental elements. Some of the environmental characteristics in common to:

  • Alicante,
  • Málaga,
  • Murcia

Finally, the small town of Relleu in Alicante has been chosen. Mainly by environmental factors, the population size and the number of families living and working in the area and surroundings. As well as by the characteristics of their agriculture, focused on the export of the almond. The population of Relleu boasts a group of resident foreign nationals who has contracted allergic diseases similar to the local citizens.

Fields farming Relleu Alicante

The researchers warn that allergy-related diseases are a growing problem. This affects the population of West countries and constantly increases its presence. Therefore, the interest in the study of diseases related to:

  • environment,
  • modern lifestyle,
  • hygiene and
  • quality of life

is already a reality. Next Relleu, the research study takes place in other towns in the province of Alicante.

Medical evidence punctures prevalence of allergic diseases study UMH Relleu Alicante