Esther Caparrós Cayuela named vice-dean of projection of the degree in Pharmacy at the UMH

The past July 17 of 2015, the contracted doctor professor and, currently, Secretary of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, was named Esther Caparrós Cayuela Vice-Dean of Projection of the Pharmacy Degree.

Functions of Esther Caparrós Cayuela professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine UMH

Through the Resolución Rectoral 1339/15, of July 17 of University Miguel Hernández of Elche, that can be found in this link, the teacher will begin to perform different functions, including:

  • Development of communication of the degree in social networks and blogs.
  • Coordination of the IRIS program in training (in English).
  • Organize activities and actions for cross-disciplinary skills and, at the same time, professionals (TICS, teamwork, communication, etc.).
  • Development of the HELPER program whose purpose is to minimize the abandonment of university students of the degree.
  • Run the program TUTOR END OF STUDIES to guide to college students who completed the degree or have difficulties during this final stage.
  • Coordination and teamwork with the Disabled Student Service Area (ATED) for the implementation of the specific curriculum adaptations.
  • Promote teaching innovation among teachers who taught in the degree.
  • Monitor the internships of students in enterprises, companies or institutions.
  • Motivate between students of different faculties final projects of the degree and Master in groups, in order to solve professional problems of companies, institutions or university research groups.
  • Extend the use of the CICERONE program so that degree students guide other students in the final year at the time of selecting training practices for their future employability.

You can get further information of Esther Caparrós Cayuela actually Vice-Dean of Projection of the Degree in Pharmacy. Anad also, she is professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the Miguel Hernández University.All through the official document from the UMH here.