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The professor Rosario Rodríguez Moya, of the McGill University de Montreal (Canadá), taughts the seminar Qualitative health research and evidence based medicine: two irreconcilable worlds? All within the training activities and seminars that make up the Doctoral Program in Public Health,

23 February 2024


Medical bubble, are we too many?. The students of 5th year degree in Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH). they have decided to organize a round table on Tuesday May 5 at 6:00 pm.. The event will take place in the Salón de Grados of

23 February 2024


Both the University Master Degree in Infectious Diseases and International Health, taught by the Department of Clinical Medicine UMH, together with the Centre of Cooperation Development and Volunteering organize for the next 26 and 27

23 February 2024


Antonio Compañ, Dean office of the Faculty of Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (UMH), will participate in the First MIR Conference open houses 2015 on Tuesday, March 24. The inaugural board of the day

23 February 2024


The Area’s History of the Science of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (UMH) organizes the coming days of the History of Medicine and Medical Anthropology “Madness and Modernity”. Throughout the activity, different professionals.

23 February 2024


On 6 February will be held at the Faculty of Medicine of San Juan (Spain) at Miguel Hernández University the III Conference Family Medicine and University. Both Primary Care and Family Medicine

23 February 2024