RSS de Medicina UMH 

Some health professionals from Peru were trained for 3 months at the General University Hospital of Alicante (HGUA). Medical professionals and professors from the Department of Clinical Medicine at UMH were responsible during that time of the training of these doctors.

23 February 2024


Breathing health UMH Day was held on Sunday April 15 in the Paseo of the Explanada of Spain in Alicante. Basically, to commemorate theXXV anniversary of the Society of Pneumology of Valencia (SVN). Therefore, different recreational and sports activities were organized as:

23 February 2024


The Course UMH Clinical Simulation as a tool in medical education was taught by the professor of the Department of Clinical Medicine of the UMH, Jose Manuel Ramos Rincón. The event also co-directed by Ricardo Serrano García, professor of the department. The workshop began the past February 12 

23 February 2024


A group intervention of physiotherapy in patients with pathology of willful shoulder is a clinical trial carried out by professionals of the Health Science: The University Miguel Hernández (UMH) of Elche y the Rehabilitation Service of the University Hospital of Sant Joan d’Alacant, attached

23 February 2024


Domingo Orozco Beltrán has been awarded by the Medical Organization College (OMC) with the accesit about the

23 February 2024


Five have been students of Medicine UMH the beneficiaries of a grant from the Foundation Rafael Bernabeu during this year.

23 February 2024


Last weekend was held in Alicante the Graduation Ceremony I Promotion Degree in Medicine UMH I. The event with the students of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH) took place in the Official College of Doctors of Alicante (Spain) of the capital. Who presided over the ceremony of Graduation of the I Promotion of Degree in […]

23 February 2024


ECOES. Objective and Structured Clinical Evaluation Tests. The Faculty of Medicine of the University Miguel Hernández (UMH) has carried out tests of cynical objective assessment and structured (ECOES). Who participated in the UMH ECOES? About 117 students of the Department of Clinical Medicine conducted those tests. Between days 11 and 12 June were developed in […]

23 February 2024


Eliseo Pascual Gómez, emeritus professor of Medicine the UMH and ex-chief of Rheumatology of the General University Hospital of Alicante (Spain) has recently published a research article in the prestigious journal Nature Reviews in Rheumatology. On the nature of chronic and progressive of gout

23 February 2024


On 6 February will be held at the Faculty of Medicine of San Juan (Spain) at Miguel Hernández University the III Conference Family Medicine and University. Both Primary Care and Family Medicine

23 February 2024